Sunday, August 30, 2009

Radhasthami Pictures

Jay Jay Ganapati Gana Raju

On Sunday 23 August the occassion of Ganesh Chaturti was observed. Lord Ganesh was dressed by Yashik and he was looking so magnificent.Just a quick post with some pics of my deities and the campus temple deities on Radhasthami
Radha asthami

Friday, August 14, 2009


Srimad Bhagavatam 10:3:7-8
mumucur munayor devah

sumanamsi mudanvitah

mandam mandam jalardhara

jagarjur anusargaram

nisithe tama udbhute

jayamane janardane

devakyam deva-rupinyam

visnuh sarva-guha-saya

havirasid yatha pracyamdisindur iva puskalah


The demigods and great saintly persons showered flowers in a joyous mood, and clouds gathered in the sky and very mildly thundered, making sounds like those of the ocean’s waves. Then the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, who is situated in the core of everyone’s heart, appeared from the heart of Devaki in the dense darkness of night, like the full moon rising on the eastern horizon, because Devaki was of the same category as Sri Krishna

Jay Sri Krishna

Happy birthday sweet Lord !!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Melting off the winter holiday ice

Here are some pictures of the deities at the campus temple- exclusive to my blog. lol. Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani gave us beautiful darshan in their blue outfits as well as Sri Ram and all the Devis. Durga Matha looked beautiful in her grey sari so I thought i might share her darshan. Westville Hindu Center ki jaya!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

An auspicious prelude to Akashya Trithia

On Sunday the 26th April, Yashik and I headed off to the Westville Hindu Center to dress the Lord in his many different froms. There are various deities at the temple, almost the entire pantheon. There is even a deity of Lord Brahma, one hardly finds deities of Lord Brahma ever since his curse....
Yashik off course decided to dress all deities in relation to Lord Shiva like Shiv and parvati, Ardhnarishwar as well as Lord Brahma, Mother Gayatri and Devi Saraswati. He had worked the previous night hand sewing the outfits.

Yashik off course decided to dress all deities in relation to Lord Shiva like Shiv and parvati, Ardhnarishwar as well as Lord Brahma, Mother Gayatri and Devi Saraswati. He had worked the previous night hand sewing the outfits.

I had dressed Sri Ram Darbar among others........

Hope the deities like their new clothes and forgive us for any offences caused.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lord Chaitanya's moon is rising

My first Blog is dedicated to Lord Chaitanya on the event of Gaura Purnima

trinad api sunichena

taror api sahishnuna

amanina manadena

kirtaniyah sada harih

One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and should be ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly.