Monday, March 18, 2013


This outfit was offered on Shivaratri.
Radha Madan Mohan

Madan Mohan

Sri Radhe\


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Deity Darshan

Darshan of the deities in their second outfit thus far.
Radha Madan Mohan

Madan Mohan

Sri Radhe

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Sri Radha Madana-Mohan

Monday, March 4, 2013

My Random weekly Post

So yes its been a week since I've recieved the deities and I try to always remeber how fortunate I am to have Them. The white forms of the Lords are very soothing to look at every morning.

Radha Madan Mohan?
Above is a pic of Them in clothes I had altered to fit them. I have really decided on names yet but I am thinking of Radha Madana Mohana.

Till next my next post..... Jay Sri Radhe!