Monday, March 17, 2014

Gaura Purnima! The deities Installation Anniversary

Been a while since I've posted on here. A year of service to Radha Madan Mohan has already gone by. Some pictures of yesterdays festival....
Radha Krishna
Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan Simple Srinagar Darshan
Radha Krishna
Dol Yatra/Holi Darshan of Sr Radha Madan Mohan
The festival took a lot of preparation and and a sleepless night which tends to be my trend when it comes to festivals, lots of last minute adjustments with outfits etc. This festival saw Radha Madan Mohan being offered two new outfits. One for the Holi scene and another at Sandhya Arati. In the end I am grateful i have the opportunity to serve Radha and Krishna in Their deity forms and seeing Their forms decorated nicely bring me great pleasure.
Radha Krishna deities
Sandhya Darshan Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan
Gaura Nitai
Gaura Nitai
Radha Krishna deities
Radha Madan Mohan close up
Jai Sri Radhe!!!