So yesterday, the 21st of September 2015, was Radha-Astami, the day all Gaudiya Vaishnavas and other sects of Vaishnavism glorify the female counterpart of Lord Krishna.
Radhastami is one of my favourite festivals, and no- not just cos of the Malpura(a sweet preparation which is said to be Srimati Radharanis favourite dish). There is just something about Radhastami- maybe its the fact that Radharani kindly engages us in the service of Krishna even more so on Her appearance day.
Well as usual, it was a big rush to get everything ready on time- the outfits, garlands, bhoga offerings, but it was a blissful fulfilling day and the darshan was worth everything.
This year, inspired by a friends idea of an enchanted forest, I decided to go with a theme of 'Kalpa Vriksha"- the eternal wish fulfilling tree which the Divine couple are said to reside under.
Jai Sri Radhe!
Sri Radha Madan mohan; Radhastami 2015 |
Sri Radha Madan Mohan; Radhastami 2015 |