Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Sri Radha Madan Mohan: Diwali 2015
Sri Radha Madan Mohan

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Navratri Day 3

Saumya Dakshina Kalika
Mother Kalika
I haven't really done a Kali alankaram before on this deity, on suggestion of a friend, I have done this alankaram. Devi is sitting cross legged

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Navratri Day 2

Sri Pratyangira Devi/Narasimhi Rupa of Devi
Mother as Patyangira Devi

Nrsamha rupenagrena hantum daityan krtodyame
trylokya tranasahite narayani namostute

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Navratri 2015

Ya devi sarvabhutesu visnumayeti sabdita.
Namastasyai, Namastasyai, namastasyai namo namah.
Salutations again and again to the Devi who In all beings is called Visnumaya (the illusory energy of Vishnu).
Wishing all an auspicious Navratri!
Devi Kalasha

Devi on first day od Navratri

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


So yesterday, the 21st of September 2015, was Radha-Astami, the day all Gaudiya Vaishnavas and other sects of Vaishnavism glorify the female counterpart of Lord Krishna.

Radhastami is one of my favourite festivals, and no- not just cos of the Malpura(a sweet preparation which is said to be Srimati Radharanis favourite dish). There is just something about Radhastami- maybe its the fact that Radharani kindly engages us in the service of Krishna even more so on Her appearance day.

Well as usual, it was a big rush to get everything ready on time- the outfits, garlands, bhoga offerings, but it was a blissful fulfilling day and the darshan was worth everything.

This year, inspired by a friends idea of an enchanted forest, I decided to go with a theme of 'Kalpa Vriksha"- the eternal wish fulfilling tree which the Divine couple are said to reside under.

Jai Sri Radhe!
Sri Radha Madan mohan; Radhastami 2015

Sri Radha Madan Mohan; Radhastami 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Janmastami Darshan

Janmastami Day
Nandotsava/Srila Prabhupadas Vyasa puja Day

Radha Madan Mohan Side glance

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Santhana Kaapu- Sandalwood Art

Its been ages since I've posted, and feels like ages since I've offered the Goddess a sandalwood covering. I recently found myself acquiring a new deity of Devi and took the opportunity to decorate her with sandalwood. This deity is much bigger than I'm used too and at first the covering was a bit intense as it always is. I realized that we often forget and downplay the amount of work and effort that goes into all of these activities, looking at photos we see the final product but little do we know/appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into preparing them

So here are some pictures. 
close up of Devi

santhana kaapu
Irrukankudi Mariamman the goddess who sits between two rivers- rajuna and Vaiparu well here in Durban she is sitting between the Palmiet and  Umgeni Rivers currently.