Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Attachments in this material world

Walking past a tree of white flowers that resemble jasmine on campus, I am filled with nostalgia, the rain the cold weather, all remind me of a time gone by, people gone by.

Its feelings that make us human yet those very feelings and discrimination cause hurdles in both material and spiritual life. The effect of the material life has ripple effects on the spiritual life by virtue of the mind. All of these experiences leave impressions on the mind which don't go away. They come up so subtly affecting us more than we think they can, depending on how conscious a person is off course.

Another thing I've noticed recently is the wide array of personalities there are around us especially being here as a student in university. Each personality comes with different levels of conscience, propensity to enjoy the body, propensity to succeed. These coverings overlap the soul and and when we do attempt to attain some spiritual progress! BHAM!!!

So this Bhakti Yoga is meant to control emotions, chanting to control the mind- the mind is very very difficult to control. Especially when within it lie all of these good and bad impression that we carry from the time we are born.

I just pray that I'm sincere enough to overcome these obstacles and control the mind focusing it on the greater cause, and most of all I pray that everyone from the past present and future of my life are helped by God to the right paths and peaceful states of being.

This is somewhat totally of what my blog was intended to be but often due to pride issues of the mind and emotions are overlooked

One good piece of advice I've received recently was that to know God one needs to know oneself.
Know your strengths, know that you're good, not to the stage of false ego and pride, but know yourself enough to the extent you know that you do need anyone else to complete you in a material sense. Do not become dependent on others to validate your existence if you are truelly aware that you are a spirit soul. It can be very difficult but nothing is impossible.

Know yourself enough to know those around you. Trust but do not over step the limits of trust.

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