Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Gaura purnima_ Maha Abishek and Deity Welcoming

On the 27th of March, on the day of Gaura Purnima here in South Africa,just a month after recieving the deities I decided to finally welcome them properly with a homa and abishek and offerings.
The puja started of with the preliminary kalash sthapan which I kept rather simple.
Deities resting on grains
The next step for the purification of the vigraha is the grain beds which they are placed on to absorb all impurities. Following this was the homa which was simple and to invoke auspiciousness and empower the deity forms.
deities in bathing recepticles
The deities were then placed in the bathing recepticles for abishek and their eyes untied.

The deities after the Netra- Unmilan
After Their eyes were opened auspicious items were offered such as a flame, ghee, honey and an arati.
Madan Mohan after abishek
Radharani after Abishek
After the abishek was dressing time and then the bhoga offering for Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohana
Post to be continued..........

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