Monday, June 3, 2013

Aisi Kripa Karo Sri Radhe

aisi kripa karo sri radhe dijo vrindavana ko vasa
vrindavana ko vasa dijo hari bhaktana ko satha (1)

Please be merciful, Sri Radhe. Grant me residence in Vrindavana and the association of Sri Hari´s devotees.

bhuka lage bhiksa kara lau vraja-vasina ke tukara pau
pyasa lage yamuna-jala pike nidhuvana karu nivasa (2)

If hungry, I will beg morsels of food from the Vrajavasis. If thirsty, I will drink the water of the Yamuna, and I will reside at Nidhuvana.

govardhana parikrama lagau manasi ganga prema se nahau
radha-kunda aura krishna-kunda me nitya karu snana (3)

I will do parikrama of Govardhana, bathe in Manasi-ganga with great love, and eternally relish the waters
of both Radha-kunda and Krishna-kunda.

nanda-gava barasane jau radhej ke darsana pau
gahavara vana parikrama lagau danakuti aura manakuti pe dekhu rasa vilasa (4)

By going to Nandagrama and Varsana I will obtain the darsana of Radhaji. I will do parikrama of the Gahavara forest, and at Dana-kuti and Mana-kuti I will witness the rasa-lila.

nanda baba ke dvare jau dau bhaiya ke darsana pau
pavana sarovara prema se nahau banke-bihari ke darsana paya ke hai jaya purana asa (5)

By going to Nanda Baba´s house, I will obtain darsana of Baladeva. I will bathe in Pavana-sarovara with loving devotion, and by obtaining the darsana of Banke-bihari all my aspirations will be fulfilled.

Exam week...

So its a new week and not much has changed I still have quiete a bit of studying to do. I couldnt help but put together another outfit for the deities even though I am sort of pressed for time. 'Just an hour or two it may take< something simple" I thought, i proved myself wrong invariably. Well the outcome was good and worth the sacrifice i guess. Heres some darshan pics of Radha Madan Mohan.
Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan

Sri Krishna
Sri Madana -Mohan

Sri Radhe
Sri Radhe
So till my next post Hare Krishna!! and if you're writing exams like me, all the best and may Sri Radha Madan-Mohan be merciful to you n your academic pursuits.

Jay Sri Radhe!!!