Monday, June 3, 2013

Exam week...

So its a new week and not much has changed I still have quiete a bit of studying to do. I couldnt help but put together another outfit for the deities even though I am sort of pressed for time. 'Just an hour or two it may take< something simple" I thought, i proved myself wrong invariably. Well the outcome was good and worth the sacrifice i guess. Heres some darshan pics of Radha Madan Mohan.
Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan

Sri Krishna
Sri Madana -Mohan

Sri Radhe
Sri Radhe
So till my next post Hare Krishna!! and if you're writing exams like me, all the best and may Sri Radha Madan-Mohan be merciful to you n your academic pursuits.

Jay Sri Radhe!!!

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