Monday, December 2, 2013

Some Darshan or Radha Madan Mohan

 Its been a while since I have updated my blog, here are some darshan pics.
Radha Madan Mohan wearing gardenia garlands

Radha Madana Mohan this week in their spanish looking outfit.
close up of Madan Mohan

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Some Darshan from the past weeks

radha krishna deities
Radha Madan Mohan Red Outfit

radha krishna deities
Radha Madan Mohan Burgandy

Radha Krishna from UKZN Hindu Center

Friday, September 6, 2013

Back after a long while....

I seem to have neglected my blog for a while. Was a bit occupied. Well there seems to have been a lot activity since my last posts. The most significant in terms of Radha Madan Mohan is that they finally have their first altar after much deliberation and seeking people to make an altar as simple as it seems. It was finally done and I'm quiete relieved that the deities now have an altar.

Janmastami and other festivals are around the corner which is exciting and also means a lot of preparation and work in terms of getting outfits ready.

Here are some Darshan pics from the past two weeks.


Krishna Madana Mohan
 Its been a while since I last posted. A lot has happened since my last post. For one, I've had lotus bases made for the deities. Which had a little drama to it as most things seem to go. Here is the janmastami night Darshan of Radha Madan Mohan.

radha madan mohan
Radha Madan Mohan Janamastami Darshan

Monday, June 3, 2013

Aisi Kripa Karo Sri Radhe

aisi kripa karo sri radhe dijo vrindavana ko vasa
vrindavana ko vasa dijo hari bhaktana ko satha (1)

Please be merciful, Sri Radhe. Grant me residence in Vrindavana and the association of Sri Hari´s devotees.

bhuka lage bhiksa kara lau vraja-vasina ke tukara pau
pyasa lage yamuna-jala pike nidhuvana karu nivasa (2)

If hungry, I will beg morsels of food from the Vrajavasis. If thirsty, I will drink the water of the Yamuna, and I will reside at Nidhuvana.

govardhana parikrama lagau manasi ganga prema se nahau
radha-kunda aura krishna-kunda me nitya karu snana (3)

I will do parikrama of Govardhana, bathe in Manasi-ganga with great love, and eternally relish the waters
of both Radha-kunda and Krishna-kunda.

nanda-gava barasane jau radhej ke darsana pau
gahavara vana parikrama lagau danakuti aura manakuti pe dekhu rasa vilasa (4)

By going to Nandagrama and Varsana I will obtain the darsana of Radhaji. I will do parikrama of the Gahavara forest, and at Dana-kuti and Mana-kuti I will witness the rasa-lila.

nanda baba ke dvare jau dau bhaiya ke darsana pau
pavana sarovara prema se nahau banke-bihari ke darsana paya ke hai jaya purana asa (5)

By going to Nanda Baba´s house, I will obtain darsana of Baladeva. I will bathe in Pavana-sarovara with loving devotion, and by obtaining the darsana of Banke-bihari all my aspirations will be fulfilled.

Exam week...

So its a new week and not much has changed I still have quiete a bit of studying to do. I couldnt help but put together another outfit for the deities even though I am sort of pressed for time. 'Just an hour or two it may take< something simple" I thought, i proved myself wrong invariably. Well the outcome was good and worth the sacrifice i guess. Heres some darshan pics of Radha Madan Mohan.
Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan

Sri Krishna
Sri Madana -Mohan

Sri Radhe
Sri Radhe
So till my next post Hare Krishna!! and if you're writing exams like me, all the best and may Sri Radha Madan-Mohan be merciful to you n your academic pursuits.

Jay Sri Radhe!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

This week in my world... a touch of South Indian

So exams are fast approaching... I have the bad habit of procrastinating to the very last minute and being stressed. Well let me try to change that in the few days left. Was inspired to sew a new outfit for the deities, went South Indian and quiete liked the outcome. Well Krishna can make anything look beautiful. Heres the darshan:

Radha Krishna full
Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohan

Krishna close up
Sri Madana Mohana

Sri Radha
Srimati Radharani

Jaya Radha Madana-Mohana!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Nrsmha Caturdasi

24 May 2013 celebrated Nrsmha Caturdasi here are some Darshan pics.

Radha Krishna
Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan

Sri Radha
Srimati Radharani

Sri Madana Mohan
May they be ever so merciful on all who beseech Their grace! Jay Sri Radha Madana Mohan. Jaya Nrsmhadev!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Srimati Sita Devi's Appearance day

Hare Krishna!
So  I managed to get the inspiration to sew some new outfits for the deities. Yesterday (19 May 2013) was the appearance day of Srimati Sita Devi the consort of Lord Ramachandra so the deities wre a new outfit. Here are some darshan pics of Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan
Sri Radha Madan Mohan

close up


Left: Radha Krishna dressed recently 2013, Right:2009 when they first wore the same outfit

Monday, May 6, 2013

Devi Puja

Close up of Ambal
The Garaghum.

Fruit offering
A spiritual weekend at the Jacobs road temple. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

This week in my little part of the World

So yes, it feels like a while since I last posted. I've been occupied with my so called academic life sorting tests and assignments. Having little time to actual focus on devotional service. Also some emotionla stress from the surroundings. where there is people there will be issues i guess seeing that everyone wants to assert their own little view on other.

Something that we dont realise due to its sublte nature is the effect of the information age and instant messaging. On one hand its a great convenience and advantageous for discussing spiritual topics and engaging in devotional service but theres a flipside to this coin. For one people have become more openly explicit in their dealings and also everyone is becoming somewhat desensitized and emotionless.

Anyway I guess this is part of the perks of virtual reality. So heres Darshan for this week as well as Ram Navami.

Radha Madan Mohan

Ram Darbar
Sita Ram Lakshman visiting UKZN Hindu Center

Friday, April 12, 2013


Radha Madan Mohan

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Darshan from UKZN Westville Hindu Center

Jay Sri Radhe
My enthusiasm is slowly waring off I guess. Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan are wearing a red outfit. I've pictures of this outfit the last time they wore it as well but was really happy with it hence I have shared the pictures yet. Maybe next time around I will be satisfied with the look and share the pics

But for now I have pics from the campus deities whom I've dressed last week.

Sri Krishna

radha krishn
Radha Krishna

 Lakshmi Narayan

 Durga Devi
Till my next post
Jai Sri Radhe

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The First Festival Darshan

So continued from my last post are some pics of the deities in Their Gaura Purnima outfit
Sri Madana Mohan
Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohana
The following day I dressed the Durga deity at UKZN Westville Center thought I'd share a pic seeing that its been a while since I've shared any darshans of the deities there. She was offered a 'grape" banares sari with an orange border.
Durga Devi- Vindyavasini
Well thats about it for this week. More pics on my Facebook account didnt wanna be too redundant.

Jaya Radha MadanaMohan!!! Gaur bhakta vrinda ki jay!!!

Gaura purnima_ Maha Abishek and Deity Welcoming

On the 27th of March, on the day of Gaura Purnima here in South Africa,just a month after recieving the deities I decided to finally welcome them properly with a homa and abishek and offerings.
The puja started of with the preliminary kalash sthapan which I kept rather simple.
Deities resting on grains
The next step for the purification of the vigraha is the grain beds which they are placed on to absorb all impurities. Following this was the homa which was simple and to invoke auspiciousness and empower the deity forms.
deities in bathing recepticles
The deities were then placed in the bathing recepticles for abishek and their eyes untied.

The deities after the Netra- Unmilan
After Their eyes were opened auspicious items were offered such as a flame, ghee, honey and an arati.
Madan Mohan after abishek
Radharani after Abishek
After the abishek was dressing time and then the bhoga offering for Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohana
Post to be continued..........

Monday, March 18, 2013


This outfit was offered on Shivaratri.
Radha Madan Mohan

Madan Mohan

Sri Radhe\