Monday, February 25, 2013

The Deities arrive...

After a bit of an ordeal with the courier company as predicted the deities arrived on Friday mornng at 10:30am

The trunks packed in India
It was exciting and much of a relief knowing that they had arrived safe finally. I have the tendency of over stressing and was just anxious I guess to recieve. I was also worried about customs seeing as I had already broke the bank to pay for the deities, The Vat was considerably high with the handling fee.

The first trunk I had opened was Krishna's, he was tied down securely and getting the rope off was a bit of an effort. Their forms are perfectly they way I wanted Them to be. I've noticed the style of deity carving has changed alot over the years, was lucky to find this set.

Saturday was Nityananda Tryodasi, the day was somewhat not the way I planned. after an early morning swim practice at the beach pools I found myself come down with a slight cold and had got cut deeply, when a hook ripped my fnger which dampened my mood. By evening I was able to gather up some determination to cook and do some puja.

Here are some pics of Saturdays new outfits on the Deities:

Gaura Nitai
Gaura Nitai

Radha krishna deity darshan
Radha Krishna
These are the first crowns I had attempted to make for them. The outfit was a rather spontaneous decision and was intended for Makar Sakranti but decided later to keep it for Gaura Purnima or Nityananda Tryodasi.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Patience.. Patience... Patience...

So the deities are here in Johannesburg, South Africa waiting to be cleared through customs. Patience is something I have little off when it comes to issues like my deities. I'm still waiting for the courier company to get back to me from yesterday morning, in fact I didnt expect this customs/duty roadblock seeing that I had never encountered them before when ordering deities online, guess it was luck.

Lets hope these agents are a bit proactive. Shipping agents can be a bit of a stuff up at times from past experience with shipping companies. Well lets hope Air Freight is much different and more efficient. Im hoping to recieve the deities by tommorow if possible, I hope its Their desire to be home by tommorow too.

Today is Bhaimi Ekadasi here in South Africa followed by Varaha Dvadasi tommorow and Nityananda Trayodasi on Saturday, how more auspicouos a time to recieve the Lords. Hopefully they arrive during this time.

The deities are similar to the middle pair
Till my next blog.... Jai Sri Radhe!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New Deities...

I recently found myself purchasing a new set of Radha Krishna deities, lol it seems to be my general trend at the begining of the year for the past few years. Well I hope I've matured enough and that these will be the last set of deities I own in this lifetime. Actually this urge to worship Radha Krishna deities again started around September last year where i had found myself sculpting and 8inch pair of Radha Krishna deities which I intended to have a mould taken off and have them cast in marble dust.

Krishna Deity I sculpted
Heres a shot of them when I had tried on clothes. Radharani is on a lotus base hence appears taller. I had mad one base to replicate for both deities.
The deities in a pink outfit
So I Found myself in great anticipation for the moulding and casting of these deities only to find out that the artist couldn't complete this task. This was much to my dissappointment at that stage because I had expected them ready in January 2013 and had prepared some outfits. But however Krishna had his own plan.

A few days before Diwali last year, after sme convincing, I attended the Durban Diwali Festival and was going through the stalls and what they had to offer. Amidst the various puja items and gemstones to my surprise i found a tiny deity of Srimati Radharani, this was probably the tiniest deity I'd encountered thus far. Out of curiousity I enquired if there was a matching Krishna for Her and the assistant found Him. I enquired the price and turns out the guy managing the stall was known to me and gave me a price that was below normal, I had no intention of purchasing more deities let alone such small deities seeing that I already have two sets of 4inch Radha Krishna deities lying unworshipped. Somehow i compulsively agreed to take them.
The deities as they were when I bought Them
I had painted them the following day, the day before Diwali. The day of Diwali was a bit busy for me seeing that i spent most of the preparing offerings and then doing puja. On the day of Govardhan Puja I bathed the deities for the first time and put on some clothes. My university exams were on so I barely had time to make any outfits or jewelry.
Over Time I grew attached to these deities despite their small size (Krishna is 3.5inches tall and Radharani is 3 inches tall), I was wary of having deities too small because of the difficulty sewing and finding outfits small enough and jewelry of good quality for small deities. Im not very fond of the stiff starched outfits one generally find. This was the reason I had not worshipped the 2 sets of 4inch deities I have. One of the sets a black Krishna and brass Radharani was the result of an order gone horribly wrong. At the begining of 2012 I had paid the Indian supplier with the intention of recieving 8inch Radha Krishna deities however to my surprise upon arrival they were 4.inches tall. After some heated email converstaions there were agreements to send a 6inch set which never materialised. However I somehow see how in the long run how these failled atempts have led to me acquiring these new deities. I previously had the good fortune of worshipping 24inch marble Radha Krishna deities and grew attached to Them knowing that sooner or later I would have to part from Their prescence, somehow I see these deities as being an expansion of them for me to worship on a permanent basis. I guess for every person inclined to deity worship having bigger deities are a dream come true. However I've realised over time its actually the attention that one gives the deity thats satisfying irrespective of the size. I found myself making crowns that fit my 3.5inch deities perfectly something i thought would've been difficult, I've even made custom sized outfit with bead work that fit them to size! So i guess it boils down to the amount of time one is willing to spend.
So I am expecting the deities soon. Lets hope all goes well..

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Some Pics of Krishna Dressed up

Valentines Day..
Co-incidently i decide to upload some pics of the Krishna deity I had and He's wearing red in these pics!
krishna deity
Krishna Dressed up
Here's a shot of all the deities.
Im not really sure how to rotate these images :P
" The conception of servitude to Sri Krishna generates such an ocean of joy in the ... His smiling lotus face, looked directly like the charmer of the heart of Cupid"


So it's 2013, I've just realised that this blog is around 5 years old. Alot has happened in 5years however I dont think I've quiete captured all of it here. The UKZN Westville Hindu Center has certainly changed a bit in the past few years in terms of renovations and the quality of the outfits etc.  The hope is that this will be maintained over the years to come by willing students.

Seeing that this blog is about deities, lets glance at the deities I've had the chance of wroshipping in the past years.
Westville Radha Krishna
Above are the deities I had worshipped around March of 2010.
Radha Vrajasundar
Around June of 2010, I had recieved these deities pictured above. I named them Radh Vrajasundara. Didn't really get to worship them much though due to circumstances. Eventually I let go off them to a prabhu who was eager to have Radha Krishna deities with intention of getting a marble set of deities.
Krishna deity at New |Jaganath Puri Temple, Phoenix, shortly after he was purchased.
In December of 2012, one of my friends had gifted me this 24inch deity of Krishna. I had him for a while and have seen many trying times with this deity. I could never find a matching Radharani for this Krishna however. I somehow have affinity for Radha and Krishna together when worshipping as opposed to Krishna alone.

This a glimpse of the deities I've had thus far. More posts to follow..