Monday, February 25, 2013

The Deities arrive...

After a bit of an ordeal with the courier company as predicted the deities arrived on Friday mornng at 10:30am

The trunks packed in India
It was exciting and much of a relief knowing that they had arrived safe finally. I have the tendency of over stressing and was just anxious I guess to recieve. I was also worried about customs seeing as I had already broke the bank to pay for the deities, The Vat was considerably high with the handling fee.

The first trunk I had opened was Krishna's, he was tied down securely and getting the rope off was a bit of an effort. Their forms are perfectly they way I wanted Them to be. I've noticed the style of deity carving has changed alot over the years, was lucky to find this set.

Saturday was Nityananda Tryodasi, the day was somewhat not the way I planned. after an early morning swim practice at the beach pools I found myself come down with a slight cold and had got cut deeply, when a hook ripped my fnger which dampened my mood. By evening I was able to gather up some determination to cook and do some puja.

Here are some pics of Saturdays new outfits on the Deities:

Gaura Nitai
Gaura Nitai

Radha krishna deity darshan
Radha Krishna
These are the first crowns I had attempted to make for them. The outfit was a rather spontaneous decision and was intended for Makar Sakranti but decided later to keep it for Gaura Purnima or Nityananda Tryodasi.

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